vectors.h File Reference

Vector and array helpers. More...

#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include "inc/util/macros.h"
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namespace  std
 STL namespace.
namespace  syten
 Syten namespace.


template<typename Container >
void syten::addLog (Container &c)
 Adds values contained in c into c[0]. More...
template<typename Container , typename Function >
void syten::addLog (Container &c, Function &&f, std::size_t threshold=2, std::size_t avail_threads=1)
 Adds values contained in c into c[0], applying f whenever more than threshold terms have been summed. More...
template<typename Iterator >
void syten::addLog (Iterator first, Iterator end)
 Adds values in the range [first, end) using operator+=, the result is found in *first. More...
template<typename Iterator , typename Function >
void syten::addLog (Iterator first, Iterator end, Function &&f, std::size_t threshold=2, std::size_t avail_threads=1)
 Adds values in the range [first, end) using operator+=, the result is found in *first. More...
std::array< Type, rank-1 > ::type syten::dropDummy (std::array< Type, rank > const &a, std::size_t position)
 Copies a dropping the element at 1-indexed position position. More...
template<typename T , std::size_t rank>
bool syten::equalArrayInitList (std::array< T, rank > const &a, std::array< T, rank > const &b)
 Compares two arrays, i.e. More...
template<typename T , std::size_t rank>
bool syten::hasMember (std::array< T, rank > const &v, T const &e)
 Returns true if the array has an element comparing equal to the second argument. More...
template<typename T >
bool syten::hasMember (std::vector< T > const &v, T const &e)
 Returns true if the vector has an element comparing equal to the second argument. More...
template<typename Type , std::size_t rank>
std::array< Type, rank+1 > syten::insertDummy (std::array< Type, rank > const &a, std::size_t position, typename IdentityType< Type >::type val)
 Copies a with val at 1-indexed position position. More...
template<typename U , std::size_t rank>
std::vector< std::vector< U > > syten::kronVector (std::vector< std::array< U, rank > > const &v, std::vector< U > const &c)
 Kronecker product of a vector of rank-arrays and a vector. More...
template<typename U >
std::vector< std::vector< U > > syten::kronVector (std::vector< std::vector< U > > const &v, std::vector< U > const &c)
 Kronecker product of a vector of N-vectors and a vector. More...
template<typename U >
std::vector< std::vector< U > > syten::kronVector (std::vector< U > const &a, std::vector< U > const &b)
 Kronecker product of two vectors. More...
template<typename I , typename F >
auto syten::mapVector (std::vector< I > const &a, F f)
 Maps a unary function over one vector. More...
template<typename T , typename U , typename F >
auto syten::mapVector (std::vector< T > const &a, std::vector< U > const &b, F f)
 Maps a binary function over two vectors. More...
template<typename T , std::size_t rank>
std::array< T, rank > std::operator+ (std::array< T, rank > const &a, std::array< T, rank > const &b)
 Adds two arrays element-wise. More...
std::vector< std::stringsyten::split (std::string const &in, std::string const &splitter)
 Splits a string into substrings at every occurence of 'splitter'. More...
std::vector< std::stringsyten::split (std::string_view const in, std::string const &splitter)
 Splits a string into substrings at every occurence of 'splitter'. More...
template<typename Type , std::size_t rank>
Type syten::sumProd (std::array< Type, rank > const &a, std::array< Type, rank > const &b)
 Scalar product between two arrays, could potentially be replaced by std::inner_prod. More...

Detailed Description

Vector and array helpers.