mutual_information.h File Reference

Calculate the mutual Information of a state or the entropy of a subsystem consiting of one or two sites. More...

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namespace  syten
 Syten namespace.


DenseTensor< 2, SRDef > syten::mutualInfo::allSiteEntropy (MPS::State &input, Index const width)
 Calculates the two site entropy of a state on all sites i != j and single site entropy on all sites i == j Works identical to entropyTwoSite but reduces the overhead by storing and reusing some Tensors. More...
SRDef syten::mutualInfo::entropy (Tensor< 2 > densityMatrix)
 Calculates the entropy of a density matrix. More...
SRDef syten::mutualInfo::entropyOneSite (MPS::State &input, Index const site)
 Calculates the single site entropy of a state. More...
SRDef syten::mutualInfo::entropyTwoSite (MPS::State &input, Index site1, Index site2)
 Calculates the two site entropy of a state. More...
std::tuple< SRDef, std::vector< Index > > syten::mutualInfo::optimal_order (DenseTensor< 2, SRDef > mInfo)
 Calculates the optimal order of the network given the mutual Information. More...

Detailed Description

Calculate the mutual Information of a state or the entropy of a subsystem consiting of one or two sites.