syten::Cuda Namespace Reference

Support functions (memory allocation etc.) for CUDA-based GPUs. More...


class  CudaAllocator
 Cuda allocator class, uses the buddy system. More...
class  CudaConstSpan
 CudaConstSpan is a non-owning constant reference to a continuous array of objects in CUDA storage. More...
class  CudaDynArray
 The CUDA-equivalent of DynArray. More...
class  CudaMutSpan
 CudaMutSpan is a non-owning reference to a continuous array of objects in CUDA storage which can be mutated through the span. More...
class  CudaPtr
 Implementation for syten::CudaPtr. More...
class  CudaStream
 Implementation for syten::CudaStream. More...
struct  Handle
 Represents a cublasHandle_t object which may or may not be in use. More...
struct  HandleBox
 RAII wrapper around a handle, putting it out of use on destruction. More...


void addScaled (CudaDynArray< double > &a, CudaDynArray< double > const &b, double const factor)
 Adds b scaled by factor to a. More...
void addScaled (CudaDynArray< float > &a, CudaDynArray< float > const &b, float const factor)
 Adds b scaled by factor to a. More...
void addScaled (CudaDynArray< std::complex< double > > &a, CudaDynArray< std::complex< double > > const &b, std::complex< double > const factor)
 Adds b scaled by factor to a. More...
void addScaled (CudaDynArray< std::complex< float > > &a, CudaDynArray< std::complex< float > > const &b, std::complex< float > const factor)
 Adds b scaled by factor to a. More...
std::uint16_t allocator_get_max_size ()
 Returns the log2 of the maximal block size of the CUDA allocator. More...
std::uint16_t allocator_get_min_size ()
 Returns the log2 of the minimal block size of the CUDA allocator. More...
void allocator_print_status ()
 Prints the status of the CUDA allocator. More...
std::uint16_t allocator_set_max_size (std::uint16_t sz)
 Sets the log2 of the maximal block size of the CUDA allocator. More...
std::uint16_t allocator_set_min_size (std::uint16_t sz)
 Sets the log2 of the minimal block size of the CUDA allocator. More...
void conj_copy (CudaConstSpan< double > src, CudaMutSpan< double > dst)
 Copies all data from src to dst (no conjugation takes places as double is real). More...
void conj_copy (CudaConstSpan< float > src, CudaMutSpan< float > dst)
 Copies all data from src to dst (no conjugation takes places as float is real). More...
void conj_copy (CudaConstSpan< std::complex< double > > src, CudaMutSpan< std::complex< double > > dst)
 Copies all data from src to dst while complex-conjugating every value. More...
void conj_copy (CudaConstSpan< std::complex< float > > src, CudaMutSpan< std::complex< float > > dst)
 Copies all data from src to dst while complex-conjugating every value. More...
template<typename T >
void copy (CudaConstSpan< T > const inp, CudaMutSpan< T > out)
 Copies all data from inp to out. More...
bool cuda_compiled ()
 Returns true if CUDA support is compiled in. More...
void cuda_dot_conj_kernel_impl (std::size_t sz, const std::complex< double > *to_be_conj_a, const std::complex< double > *b, std::complex< double > *result, void *cuda_stream)
 Calculates the scalar product of two CUDA arrays. More...
bool cuda_enabled ()
 Returns true if the list of allowed devices is not empty. More...
cudaError_t cuda_handle_error_impl (cudaError_t err, std::string str, SourceLocation location=SourceLocation::current())
 Implementation for helper function to handle Cuda return values by throwing an assertion failure if the return value is not cudaSuccess. More...
cudaError_t cuda_handle_error_impl (cudaError_t err, Vec< cudaError_t > acceptable_errors, std::string str, SourceLocation location=SourceLocation::current())
 Implementation for helper function to handle Cuda return values by throwing an assertion failure if the return value is neither cudaSuccess nor in the list of acceptable errors. More...
double dot (CudaDynArray< double > const &a, CudaDynArray< double > const &b, Conj const conj=Conj::n())
 Returns the scalar product between two CudaDynArray objects. More...
float dot (CudaDynArray< float > const &a, CudaDynArray< float > const &b, Conj const conj=Conj::n())
 Returns the scalar product between two CudaDynArray objects. More...
std::complex< double > dot (CudaDynArray< std::complex< double > > const &a, CudaDynArray< std::complex< double > > const &b, Conj const conj=Conj::n())
 Returns the scalar product between two CudaDynArray objects. More...
std::complex< float > dot (CudaDynArray< std::complex< float > > const &a, CudaDynArray< std::complex< float > > const &b, Conj const conj=Conj::n())
 Returns the scalar product between two CudaDynArray objects. More...
HandleBox get_handle (CudaStream const &str)
 Returns a cublas handle associated to the device device and switches the current CUDA device to this device. More...
cublasStatus_t handle_error (cublasStatus_t err)
 Checks the error code and asserts if it is not CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS. More...
template<typename T >
int host_device (CudaConstSpan< T > const inp)
 Returns the device hosting the CudaConstSpan range. More...
template<typename T >
int host_device (CudaMutSpan< T > const inp)
 Returns the device hosting the CudaMutSpan range. More...
void initialise_handles ()
 Initialises the cublas handles for the currently allowed devices. More...
template<typename T >
max_element (CudaConstSpan< T > const inp)
 Returns the absolute-value maximal element of the range. More...
std::size_t max_element_idx (CudaConstSpan< double > inp)
 Returns the 0-based index of the absolute-value maximal element of the range. More...
std::size_t max_element_idx (CudaConstSpan< float > inp)
 Returns the 0-based index of the absolute-value maximal element of the range. More...
std::size_t max_element_idx (CudaConstSpan< std::complex< double > > inp)
 Returns the 0-based index of the absolute-value maximal element of the range. More...
std::size_t max_element_idx (CudaConstSpan< std::complex< float > > inp)
 Returns the 0-based index of the absolute-value maximal element of the range. More...
void scale (CudaDynArray< double > &a, double const f)
 Scales the entries of a by f. More...
void scale (CudaDynArray< float > &a, float const f)
 Scales the entries of a by f. More...
void scale (CudaDynArray< std::complex< double > > &a, double const f)
 Scales the entries of a by f. More...
void scale (CudaDynArray< std::complex< double > > &a, std::complex< double > const &f)
 Scales the entries of a by f. More...
void scale (CudaDynArray< std::complex< float > > &a, float const f)
 Scales the entries of a by f. More...
void scale (CudaDynArray< std::complex< float > > &a, std::complex< float > const f)
 Scales the entries of a by f. More...
void set_allowed_devices (Vec< std::int16_t > const &devices)
 Sets the allowed devices to the supplied list and enables inter-device memory access. More...
std::string status_description (cublasStatus_t err)
 Returns a string describing the specified cuBLAS error. More...
std::string version ()
 Returns a version string describing the current CUDA version/compilation/enablement. More...
Allowed devices and allocation logic
Vec< std::int16_t > const & get_allowed_devices ()
 Returns a list of allowed devices. More...
std::int16_t get_alloc_device ()
 Returns the device ID of the next allocation device to use. More...
void setup ()
 Sets up CUDA to allow all existing devices and generates the associated cuBLAS handles for the calling thread. More...
void setup (Vec< std::int16_t > const &devices)
 Sets up CUDA to allow the specified devices and generates the associated cuBLAS handles for the calling thread. More...
Memory management functions.
CudaPtr< void > alloc (std::size_t sz)
 Allocates sz bytes on the next CUDA allocation device. More...
CudaPtr< void > alloc_on_device (std::size_t sz, std::int16_t device)
 Allocates sz bytes on the specified CUDA allocation device. More...
void free (CudaPtr< void > ptr)
 Frees the allocation pointed to by ptr. More...
template<typename T >
CudaPtr< T > alloc (std::size_t num)
 Allocates enough space for num objects of type T on the next CUDA allocation device and returns an appropriate CudaPtr. More...
template<typename T >
CudaPtr< T > alloc_on_device (std::size_t sz, std::int16_t device)
 Allocates enough space for num objects of type T on the specified CUDA device and returns an appropriate CudaPtr. More...
template<typename T >
void free (CudaPtr< T > ptr)
 Frees the allocation pointed to by ptr. More...
template<typename T >
std::int16_t host_device (CudaPtr< T > v)
 Returns the device hosting the allocation pointed to by v. More...
Copying objects and arrays.
void copy (CudaPtr< const char > src, CudaPtr< char > dst, std::size_t num)
 Copies num bytes from src to dst. More...
void copy (CudaPtr< const char > src, CudaPtr< char > dst, std::size_t num, CudaStream const &str)
 Copies num bytes from src to dst within stream str. More...
template<typename T >
void copy (CudaPtr< const typename IdentityType< T >::type > src, CudaPtr< T > dst, std::size_t num)
 Copies num objects of type T from src to dst. More...
template<typename T >
void copy (CudaPtr< const typename IdentityType< T >::type > src, T *dst, std::size_t num)
 Copies num objects of type T from src to dst. More...
template<typename T >
void copy (const T *src, CudaPtr< T > dst, std::size_t num)
 Copies num objects of type T from src to dst. More...
template<typename T >
void copy (const T *src, T *dst, std::size_t num)
 Copies num objects of type T from src to dst. More...
template<typename T >
void copy (CudaPtr< const typename IdentityType< T >::type > src, CudaPtr< T > dst, std::size_t num, CudaStream const &str)
 Copies num objects of type T from src to dst within stream str. More...
template<typename T >
void copy (CudaPtr< const typename IdentityType< T >::type > src, T *dst, std::size_t num, CudaStream const &str)
 Copies num objects of type T from src to dst within stream str. More...
template<typename T >
void copy (const T *src, CudaPtr< T > dst, std::size_t num, CudaStream const &str)
 Copies num objects of type T from src to dst within stream str. More...
template<typename T >
void copy (const T *src, T *dst, std::size_t num, CudaStream const &str)
 Copies num objects of type T from src to dst within stream str. More...
Device management and synchronisation.
void select_device (std::int16_t device)
 Selects the specified device for the current thread. More...
void synchronise ()
 Synchronizes with the current device. More...
Pair< Size, Sizemem_status ()
 Returns a pair of free and total device memory. More...


static CudaAllocator allocator
 Our CudaAllocator object, handling a buddy free list system. More...
static Vec< std::int16_tallowed_devices = {}
 Storage for the currently allowed devices. More...
Vec< Pair< int, Vec< Handle > > > handles
 Preinitialised handles for each of the devices. More...

Detailed Description

Support functions (memory allocation etc.) for CUDA-based GPUs.