syten::MPS::TEBD::Node Class Reference

Node that is responsible for one sublattice or single bond (which is a sublattice with length 1) More...

+ Collaboration diagram for syten::MPS::TEBD::Node:

Public Member Functions

void evolution (Index T_index)
 evolves the sublattice with the operator with the given index in the T-vector of the node More...
 Node ()=default
 Default ctor. More...
 Node (Index i, unsigned int l, std::shared_ptr< TpsWrapper > s, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< TpoWrapper > > gTs, Truncation t)
 Standard ctor. More...

Private Member Functions

void evolve (std::shared_ptr< TpoWrapper > const &global_T)
 applies the operator in the given operator wrapper to the sublattice More...

Private Attributes

std::vector< std::shared_ptr< TpoWrapper > > global_Ts
 a vector of pointers to the tebd parallel operator wrappers containing the time evolution operators, that are needed to evolve the state (first order 2 oeprators, 2nd order 3, 4th order 9 etc.) More...
Index index
 start index More...
Index length
 length of the sublattice More...
std::shared_ptr< TpsWrapperstateW
 pointer to the tebd parallel state wrapper associated with this sublattice More...
Truncation trunc
 truncation configuration for the SVD truncation in each step More...

Detailed Description

Node that is responsible for one sublattice or single bond (which is a sublattice with length 1)

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