
◆ prodD() [2/3]

template<Rank summed, Rank frank, Rank srank, typename Scalar , std::enable_if_t<(int(frank)+int(srank) - 2 *int(summed) > 0), int > = 0>
DenseTensor<frank + srank - 2 * summed, Scalar> syten::prodD ( DenseTensor< frank, Scalar > const &  a,
DenseTensor< srank, Scalar > const &  b,
std::array< int, frank > const &  c_a,
std::array< int, srank > const &  c_b,
bool  conjugate = false,
EliminateZeros const  ezeros = EliminateZeros::No,
DenseProduct::TemporaryTransposeStorage< Scalar, frank, srank > *  tts = nullptr 

Product/Contraction of two dense tensors.

References syten::DenseProduct::check_dense_dims(), syten::DenseTensor< rank, Scalar >::dims, eliminate_to_zero(), syten::DenseTensor< rank, Scalar >::size(), sqrt(), and syten::DenseProduct::validateProductSpecifier().

+ Here is the call graph for this function: