
◆ prod_impl() [1/2]

template<Rank summed, Rank frank, Rank srank>
std::enable_if_t< frank+srank - 2 *summed !=0, Tensor< frank+srank - 2 *summed > > syten::TensorProd::prod_impl ( SourceLocation  location,
Tensor< frank > const &  a,
Tensor< srank > const &  b,
std::array< int, frank > const &  c_a,
std::array< int, srank > const &  c_b,
Conj const  conj = Conj::n(),
EliminateZeros const  ezeros = EliminateZeros::No,
HandleFermions const  handle_ferms = HandleFermions::n(),
ConstSpan< Index ferm_a = ConstSpan<Index>(),
ConstSpan< Index ferm_b = ConstSpan<Index>(),
ConstSpan< Bool parity_a = ConstSpan<Bool>(),
ConstSpan< Bool parity_b = ConstSpan<Bool>() 

Implementation of the tensor-tensor-to-tensor product.

This implementation takes care to both minimise memory usage and at the same time keep the order of tensor blocks as handed down from the ancients (aka ‘which just happens to work’).

locationCallsite identifier.
afirst tensor to be contracted
bsecond tensor to be contracted
c_acontraction spec for a, legs with positive indices here are contracted
c_bcontraction spec for b, legs with positive indices here are contracted
conjif this is Conj::y(), b is complex-conjugated
ezerosif this is EliminateZeros::Yes, close-to-zero entries are set to zero
handle_fermsif this is true, fermionic commutation is handled in a bare-bones manner
ferm_aeffective fermionic order of a tensor, initialised only if handle_ferms is yes
ferm_beffective fermionic order of b tensor, initialised only if handle_ferms is yes
parity_alist of booleans specifying if additional parities are to be placed on a-tensor legs, initialised only if handle_ferms is yes
parity_blist of booleans specifying if additional parities are to be placed on b-tensor legs, initialised only if handle_ferms is yes
handle_ferms only takes care of minus signs from permutations of a and b to go from ferm_a and ferm_b to a fermionic order in which the contraction itself can happen without additional minus signs. It assumes that in the result tensor, legs of B come first in descending order (-2 first, then -4, then -5) and legs of A come second in descending order (-1 first, then -3). It also assumes that ferm_b matches the effective order of b taking into account conj. That is, when calling the method with conj = Conj::y(), you also need to reverse ferm_b.

Get the number of component labels required per tensor leg.

For every bucket in a, find the matching bucket in b.

See issue K9ABw

Now sort the proto-blocks of protolist into bins according to their symmetry sectors. Each bin also gets an integer of the "completed" blocks and a mutex protecting that integer. If the number of completed blocks is equal to the number of elements in the bin, the last thread reduces the bin.

References std::clock(), syten::SourceLocation::column(), syten::conj(), std::chrono::duration::count(), syten::Tensor< rank >::dirs, syten::SourceLocation::file_name(), std::array< T >::fill(), if_constexpr, syten::Inc, syten::Invalid, syten::SourceLocation::line(), std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(), syten::LimVec< Type, max, MaxType, type >::push_back(), syten::Tensor< rank >::size(), SYTEN_ASSERT, SYTEN_ASSERT_MSG, syten::EnvVars::tensor_time, std::to_string(), syten::MemoryUsage::totalSize(), and syten::DenseProduct::validateProductSpecifier().

+ Here is the call graph for this function: