
◆ genKondoModel()

MPS::Lattice syten::MPS::Lat::U1U1::genKondoModel ( std::vector< Index > const &  types)

Generates a Dworin-Narath Lattice Model.

typesthe type of each site. The sites differ by the j and j_z value.

i=0: band 1 s_z=1/2 i=1: band 2 s_z=-1/2 i=2: band 3 s_z=1/2 ...

For a detailed discussion of the need for parity operators, see the documentation for the \( \textrm{U(1)} × \textrm{U(1)} \)-symmetric MPS-Fermi-Hubbard model.
Implemented Single-Site Operators
c, ch create and annihilate particles on each site. n measures the particle number (0, 1,). p measures the parity (+1, -1).

References syten::Basis::add(), syten::MPS::genMPOId(), syten::MPS::Lat::genParity(), syten::genRepU1(), and syten::Inc.

Referenced by syten::Pyten::init_mp_latgen().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function: