
◆ genFermiHubbardSpinCharge()

MPS::Lattice syten::MPS::Lat::SU2U1::genFermiHubbardSpinCharge ( Index const  length)

Generates a chain of Fermi-Hubbard sites.

lengththe length of the chain
Prefactors ±sqrt(2) are inspired by Weichselbaum, Annals of Physics 327 (2012), 2972-3047, pg. 3038 Table C.1.
For a detailed discussion of the need for parity operators, see the documentation for the U(1)×U(1) symmetry Fermi-Hubbard model.
Implemented Single-Site Operators
ch and c create and annihilate a single particle, n measures the particle number on the site and nb gives 1 iff the site is doubly-occupied. s is the local spin operator.

References syten::genRepsSU2(), and syten::genRepU1().

Referenced by syten::MPS::QcLatticeGenerator::construct_su2u1(), and syten::Pyten::init_mp_latgen().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function: